Manhattan Bankruptcy Lawyers Helping Clients with Debt Relief Strategies

Are you considering filing for bankruptcy? Our Manhattan bankruptcy lawyers can help you. Thousands of people and small businesses in the US are affected by substantial amounts of debt, unpaid bills, and endless financial expenses.

Facing overwhelming debt can be incredibly stressful. You may even feel embarrassed about having to file for bankruptcy or seek financial help. Contact our law office today to discuss your situation. Many of our clients tell us that they feel relief and hope for the future after meeting with us for the first time.

Ortiz & Ortiz, LLP is a family-run law firm that assists individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses with bankruptcy, commercial debt collection, civil litigation, and judgment enforcement matters in Manhattan. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Manhattan, please contact Ortiz & Ortiz today. Our experienced attorneys have been helping thousands of clients in the same situation for over 30 years.

We have offices in Queens and Manhattan from where we have helped individuals and companies file for bankruptcy and in other stages of their financial recovery process. We also provide virtual consultations to anyone in New York City’s five boroughs.

Our firm’s parter, bankruptcy lawyer Norma E. Ortiz, has over 25 years of experience tracking and dealing with bankruptcy law in New York and New Jersey. Having previously worked for the US Department of Justice, the US Trustee’s Office, and for a Manhattan bankruptcy judge, Norma is uniquely able to analyze every aspect of her client’s financial situation to determine the best course of action.

What Bankruptcy-Related Services Does Our Law Firm Offer?

Bankruptcy is, understandably and rightly, often considered the last resort for an individual or business that is unable to get out from under debt. But despite the negative vibe that surrounds bankruptcy, filing could be the very act that allows you to get back on your feet, get a fresh start, and begin living your life again.

Law firms experienced in helping clients through the process can help people become debt-free and obtain a clean slate. Your attorney may also be able to help stop wage garnishments, foreclosure, and collection efforts from creditors. These efforts may extend to protecting your valuable assets from your creditors, saving you thousands of dollars in restitution to those creditors, and getting fast debt relief. Your legal counsel could also help you reach a debt settlement with your creditors if you or your business bankruptcy case would benefit from going in that direction.

As experienced legal minds in the matter of bankruptcy laws and debt relief, our attorneys can assist you in a number of scenarios, including:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Even the US courts website insists on the importance of hiring a knowledgeable lawyer for Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases. The slightest clerical error can throw away your bankruptcy petition. Prospective clients should speak to our law firm for advice today.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The requirements and obligations of Chapter 11 can be daunting when faced alone. At our law firm, we have represented numerous companies in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. We have helped them reorganize their debts without temporarily closing or losing their business altogether. As your legal representation, we will be committed to helping your company get a second chance with a business bankruptcy case.

Subchapter V Of Chapter 11

Subchapter V allows small business debtors to file for bankruptcy in a timely and cost-effective manner. This subchapter was added to the bankruptcy code during the pandemic to help small businesses stay in operation for the benefit of business owners, their employees, customers, suppliers, and others who depend on them.

Commercial Collections

At Ortiz & Ortiz, we represent not just debtors in a bankruptcy proceeding but creditors and other interested parties as well. Whether it is to make sure you get your fair share of liquidated assets in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or to protect your interests in the plans filed under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, we have helped clients recover some or all of their money by judiciously advocating in bankruptcy court for their stake in the debtor’s estate.

What Are the Advantages of Working with a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Depending on your particular financial situation, needs, and goals, your personal bankruptcy attorney can file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy on your behalf. If you would like to learn about the process and receive step-by-step advice on filing a bankruptcy petition in New York, please do not hesitate to contact our Manhattan bankruptcy attorneys.

Remember that this is only a sample of our services, and you can contact us for any type of doubt related to bankruptcy, your debts, or financial recovery for yourself, a family member, or your company.

Bankruptcy FAQs

There are several types of bankruptcies in the United States, and these involve many questions for the applicant. We have answered many of these bankruptcy questions in detailed articles on our law firm’s website. You can review them and contact us to receive a private consultation about your specific case.

What is a Bankruptcy Means Test?

This test looks at your eligibility for receiving help under Chapter 7 bankruptcy based on your monthly income. Passing this test is essential to securing this form of debt relief and our Manhattan bankruptcy lawyers will be at your side, helping you through the process.

Does Filing for Bankruptcy Affect Your Spouse?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in our law office. The answer is complicated and largely depends on whether the debt you’re suffering from is a debt you jointly share or if it is yours and yours alone. Find out what options are available under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, what happens to joint assets, and how property laws in the state where you live could affect your situation.

Does Bankruptcy Clear Medical Debt?

The American healthcare system can be cruel. A personal injury could result in lost wages, prolonged pain and suffering, and mounting medical expenses. Filing bankruptcy could help you. Medical debt is considered the same as credit card debt, old utility bills, and personal loans. It is possible for you to eliminate or otherwise discharge debts taken on because of medical bills.

Will Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?

This garnishment is a court order that forces the employer to withhold a certain amount of your wages to be sent to your creditors. If this is your case, do not hesitate to contact our attorneys. With a bankruptcy lawyer by your side, you may be able to better pursue the most satisfying outcome.

Is it Possible to Buy a House After Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy will not be a permanent stain on your record, and you can even consider buying a home afterward. At Ortiz & Ortiz, we can tell you everything you need to know and help you in the process of rebuilding your finances and entering the real estate market.

Can I Refinance My Home After Bankruptcy?

Just like buying a home, you can refinance your home after filing bankruptcy. However, yes, with a bankruptcy on your record, it is true that it will be more complex. For this reason, it is important that have professionals experienced with bankruptcy code and estate law at your service.

Can I Keep My Car if I Pursue Bankruptcy?

Losing a vehicle is one of the most prevalent concerns among many people considering bankruptcy. While it is true that you risk losing certain luxurious assets if you file for bankruptcy, your primary vehicle should remain in your possession. To learn more about the risks and how to successfully shield your assets, speak to a bankruptcy lawyer at our law office.

The consequences of filing bankruptcy in the United States are manifold. It is important to have a bankruptcy law firm by your side that knows how to respond quickly and efficiently to your concerns and to any legal matters that may arise in bankruptcy court. At Ortiz & Ortiz, our lawyers have been successfully helping clients in Manhattan for more than three decades.

We Help You with Debt Relief and Rebuilding Your Credit Score

Crushing debts weigh on the minds of many of the clients who contact our lawyers. As professionals in bankruptcy, debt relief, and credit reconstruction services, we can help you.

If you have further questions about bankruptcy, debt, or financial recovery, we are at your service. Do not hesitate to send us an email, book your private consultation online, or call us directly.

What Are Examples Where Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney in NYC is Key?

The assistance of a bankruptcy lawyer in the five boroughs and the rest of New York will be important in the following situations:

  • You owe child support.
  • You are behind on your mortgage payments.
  • You are repeatedly late on vehicle payments.
  • You want to keep your business running and employees paid.
  • You are facing a wage garnishment.
  • You have used credit cards to pay taxes.
  • You are late on the payment of student loans.
  • You are coping with the financial obligations of a divorce.
  • You have other types of legal judgments against you.

While it is advisable that everyone considering bankruptcy seek the advice of lawyers experienced in practice, those facing any of the above-mentioned scenarios would be strongly encouraged to reach out to an attorney for help.

Call Our Manhattan Bankruptcy Lawyers Today!

If you need professional and experienced legal representation in bankruptcy and financial matters in the five boroughs of New York, you have come to the right place.

Whether you are facing a complex financial situation or need support in any area of ​​bankruptcy law, do not hesitate to contact us. Our Manhattan bankruptcy attorneys will help guide you to a fresh start.

Feel free to book your consultation online, send us an email through the contact page, or call us directly. Our experienced Latino attorneys can serve you in both English and Spanish.

Please, do not delay any longer. The time to get out of debt is right now. Call our Manhattan office at 917-920-6437.